
Italy – Part II: How I failed in Florence

After spending two days in Venice, we planned to take the train to Rome and stop in Florence for the afternoon. I bought the train tickets online in advance so they were dirt cheap. Also, I purchased advanced tickets to see the statue of David at the Accademia Gallery. I didn’t buy tickets to any […]


Italy – Part I: Venice & Burano

Italy has been on my list of places to go since I learned about it in school.  I’ve always found the language, the culture and the people to be so intriguing. When I lived in Paris, I had a Polish roommate who was fluent in Italian.  When we hung out with our friends, I was […]


My 15 minutes of eHarmony fame!

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I just realized that most of my readers, excluding my mom, husband, and good friends, don’t know much about me. So, here’s a little glimpse into my life, my marriage and my 15 minutes of eHarmony fame. My husband Anthony, who I mention a lot, and I met on eHarmony and we were featured in […]


My love affair with Santorini!

A while back, I was in Greece, one of the most stunning, sun-kissed countries on the planet!  My husband and I had the pleasure of spending 2 days in Athens and 5 relaxing days on the island of Santorini.  Now, I’m sitting at my desk writing this post and wishing I was still there.  It’s times like […]


Paris – Keep your budget in check with 3 simple steps

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Everyone knows Paris is the city of love and sometimes it’s referred to as the city of lights! What you may not know is that it’s also the “city most likely to pick your pocket.” Now, let me clarify, I don’t mean the seedy criminals who prey on unsuspecting tourists at every popular location. I […]


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