International Envy & Random Thoughts

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Every time I pass the international terminal at LAX I get a little sad and I feel something in the pit of my stomach.  The only thing it could possibly be is “international envy.”  Yep, international envy is what I get when I see all those international airlines with their jumbo jets heading off to some exotic location.  Me, I’m headed to my base so I can start my work trip.  Nope, it’s not exciting – let alone exotic.

I would love to board one of those jets and wake up tomorrow morning in a foreign country.  That feeling is simply magical!  Yes, I might have a few challenges with the language, the food, the transportation or anything in between but that doesn’t stop me from loving international travel.  I absolutely love learning about culture, history, art, language, and customs in faraway lands.

As a flight attendant, I could fly almost anywhere in the world and that makes it extremely difficult when choosing one destination at a time.  International destinations tend to be at the very top of my list.  Of course, Mexico and Canada are technically international but sign me up for Europe, Asia, South America and beyond!

Having lived abroad, I can attest to the feeling you get when you live in another country and come home to see that things that were a big deal before you left, just don’t matter as much anymore. Your eyes are opened to a whole new way of life, a way of accomplishing tasks, a way of thinking and it, too, is magical.

So, live a little and head for the international terminal!! With hostels and websites like Airbnb, VRBO, Funjet and Go Today (thanks, Brian!), you can’t afford not to go.  It will change you!


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